Erectile Dysfunction & Impotence
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is also defined as impotence.
Erectile dysfunction and Impotence is a very common problem which affects most men at least once during their lifetime. The incidence of impotence varies with age, and increases in the proportion of affected men, from 7 to 8 %, from 20 to 39 years of age; to 55-60 %, in men older than 70 years, according to a study carried out in the USA.
The largest increase is seen in men in the range of 60-69 years. It is estimated that at least 10 million men suffer from chronic Erectile dysfunction, only in the USA, and that at least 20 million more men have less severe forms of erectile dysfunction associated to age, chronic health problems or psychological problems.
Although in the past sexual impotence was regarded as having almost exclusively psychic causes, we now know that from 85 to 90 % of all cases of erectile dysfunction have organic causes, such as peripheral vascular diseases, diabetes, imbalances in the sexual hormones, the effect of medications, etc.
Erectile dysfunction may sometimes translate itself in occasional dysfunction or in a total lack of erection, due to some complex psychological and physiological factors.
Psychological causes are often at the origin of an impotence: fears, anger, frustrations, and performance anguish, are the main reasons. The psychological factor is always important, because erectile dysfunction may severely affect self-esteem, provoke anxiousness and depression, and make the problem even worse, by an interaction of psychic factors with organic ones.
These problems may affect indirectly the female partner, particularly when there are marital or interpersonal problems.
Within the organic causes for Erectile dysfunction, there are some general causes like vascular problems: thickness of the arterial wall or precocious venous loss.
Treatments for impotence and Erectile dysfunction - Erection Booster
Since the beginning of 1980, patients have the possibility to inject a medical substance in their penis. This substance causes a dilatation of the sanguine vases, creating an erection of one hour nearly. A prolonged utilization may cause some problems of ischemia.
In 1998 was created a molecule - the Sildenafil - a treatment for Erectile dysfunction commercialized under the name of
ViagraŽ, which assures an improvement of the erectile functions.
ViagraŽ induces the relaxation of the smooth muscles (therefore creating a blood filling of the vases) and it is utilized as a treatment against impotence. It can help to get and keep an erection when a man become sexually excited
ViagraŽ must be used only under doctor's supervision, and medical prescription.
ViagraŽ side effects and contra indications
Their undesirable side effects are essentially tied to a reduction of the arterial pressure (cardiovascular troubles, hypertension, etc.).
Furthermore, migraine headache, red stains, upset stomach, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, nasal congestions, stuffy nose, and visual changes (such as mild and temporary changes in blue/green colors or increased sensitivity to light) have also been identified.
The prescription of ViagraŽ includes a certain number of contra indications, especially tied to the association with nitrates of any forms, often utilized in the treatment of angina pectoris, as well as for hepatic and kidney insufficiency.
Doctors are drastically restrained the ViagraŽ prescriptions
against impotence, being conscious they are facing to a hazardous remedy.
Furthermore, you must consider its high selling price (nearly $13 per pill), the cost for the compulsory medical prescription and, last but not least, the embarrassment.
How to treat impotence, erectile dysfunction, with a powerful all-natural product
Fortunately, there is another effective solution against impotence, erectile dysfunction (ED). It
is a natural product, without side effects or contra-indications, much less expensive, and utilizable in full discretion.
The product is called Panalt.
Erectile dysfunction, (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Most men experience this inability at some point in their lives, usually by age 40, and are not psychologically affected by it. Some men experience chronic, complete erectile dysfunction (impotence), and others achieve partial or brief erections. The majority of cases have an organic etiology, most commonly vascular disease that decreases blood flow into the penis. Regardless of the primary cause, erectile dysfunction can have a negative impact on self-esteem, quality of life and interpersonal relationships. It has many causes, most of which are treatable, and is not an inevitable consequence of aging.
Anatomy of the penis
The internal structure of the penis consists of two cylinder-shaped vascular tissue bodies (corpora cavernosa) that run throughout the penis; the urethra (tube for expelling urine and ejaculate); erectile tissue surrounding the urethra; two main arteries; and several veins and nerves. The longest part of the penis is the shaft, at the end of which is the head, or glans penis. The opening at the tip of the glans, which allows for urination and ejaculation, is the meatus.
Physiology of an erection
The physiological process of erection begins in the brain and involves the nervous and vascular systems. Neurotransmitters in the brain (e.g., epinephrine, acetylcholine, nitric oxide) are some of the chemicals that initiate it. Physical or psychological stimulation (arousal) causes nerves to send messages to the vascular system, which results in significant blood flow to the penis. Two arteries in the penis supply blood to erectile tissue and the corpora cavernosa, which become engorged and expand as a result of increased blood flow and pressure. Because blood must stay in the penis to maintain rigidity, erectile tissue is enclosed by fibrous elastic sheathes (tunicae) that cinch to prevent blood from leaving the penis during erection. When stimulation ends, or following ejaculation, pressure in the penis decreases, blood is released, and the penis resumes its normal shape.
Treating Erectile Dysfunction
The first step in treating erectile dysfunction, is that the individual understands the psychology, physiology and anatomy responsible for the ability to achieve and maintain an erection. If we can comprehend these events than we can better understand the factors that are responsible for erectile dysfunction and address the questions concerning Erectile dysfunction treatment.